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Luke | One Year Pudding Smash

Luke | One Year Pudding Smash

So, this last year has been crazy, to say the least.  I am a new-ish mom to a 14-month old little boy (yes, these photos were taken 2 months ago… and I’m just now getting them up on my blog). He has shown me that I have only just begun to love.  My love for him is far deeper than I could ever imagine. He smiles at me. He waves at me. He hugs me. He sends me kisses. And now, he tells me, “hewwo” or “mornin.” My little baby has already grown so fast and is now a toddler! He is no longer a baby. He is getting into everything! He is curious and imaginative. He plays with blocks and cars and makes the “vroom” sound when making the cars go. I know that I’ll just blink and he will have just graduated from high school or college or have just gotten married. Time. It’s a funny thing. Especially during the nights of lots and lots of crying (Luke hated to sleep… hated it… I mean he made up a protest sign and everything), I read a truly accurate inspirational quote by Gretchen Rubin: “The days are long but the years are short.”  So, in those tough moments this past year (and two months), the moments I just wanted to hide myself away in the bedroom and put the covers over my head, I just remembered that he will only be this young for so long. So, I tried to cherish those moments of rocking him in his nursery at 1am… and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5am… I know that the time he has left that he can fit in my arms is limited… and I am going to cry when I can’t hold him anymore. But until that time, I am going to love on him, snuggle him, and play cars with him for as long as I can. Boy! I love being a mom. (and I’m such a softie… totally teared up writing this…)

So, here are the first of many birthdays I get to celebrate with this special, special boy.

Oh, and check out the end of the post.  You don’t want to miss it.



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Luke through the year…Luke Year

…. And the big news!

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